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What health problems can propolis tincture help with?

Propolis tincture is an alcoholic solution of pure alcohol and propolis. Over the course of about 6 weeks, the active ingredients of propolis are dissolved in alcohol and a tincture is obtained.
It has a reddish-brown colour and is an ideal natural antibiotic. Indeed, propolis tincture is a completely natural protective elixir for the human body. It is rich in nutrients and has antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties. In modern alternative medicine it is used as a tonic and it is no coincidence that it is also called a “natural antibiotic”.

Propolis refers to the material obtained by bees from plants, which they use for the construction and maintenance of their hives.

Apart from pollen, wax, royal jelly and honey, propolis is one of the products produced by bees. Bees collect this sticky substance and mix it with wax, pollen and enzymes to create a paste. This paste is used by bees to disinfect and seal their nest, making it waterproof and preventing foreign invasions of any size. It effectively keeps germs, bacteria, ants and mice away. Interestingly, invaders entering the hive are killed and propolis is used to embalm their corpses, maintaining a clean and sterile environment. Propolis contains a significant amount of resin, wax, essential oils and pollen. In addition, it contains aromatic substances, sugars, balsams, terpenes and others. It has healing properties, helps in wound healing, has antibacterial properties and is used in cosmetology.

Dosage: for reformulation or reformulation.

Propolis tincture is often used in combination with other substances to take advantage of its beneficial properties. For example, a mixture of tincture and seawater can be used for conditions such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis and dental problems. It is recommended to gargle with this mixture in a ratio of 1:10. The same mixture may also be useful for sinusitis by inhaling it through the nose. In cases of ear infections, dilute propolis tincture in lukewarm water in a 1:1 ratio, soak a cotton ball in it and place it in the ear. For respiratory problems, adding a drop of propolis tincture to 5 ml of sodium chloride or inhaling it directly may be beneficial. To enhance overall well-being, adding 15-20 drops of tincture to milk or water can help with gastrointestinal problems. In addition, propolis tincture can be applied topically as a lotion for various skin problems such as wounds, fungal infections and herpes. However, it is important to consult a doctor in case of illness to ensure proper diagnosis and to maximize the benefits of the product.

Benefits: rewording with different words.

Recent scientific studies have shown the benefits of propolis for human health, with propolis tincture being the most convenient form for consumption.

It acts as a natural antibiotic.

Research shows that propolis tincture has strong antibiotic properties and can be a safe choice for fighting germs and bacteria. It acts as an excellent source for boosting the immune system, protecting the body and fighting infections. In addition, this “nature’s antibiotic” demonstrates analgesic properties and accelerates the healing process. Due to its high flavonoid content, it effectively fights respiratory infections, flu, colds and fungal infections, while relieving digestive disorders. The advantages of propolis, compared to conventional antibiotics such as penicillin, streptomycin or teramycin, are plentiful. In the main, modern medicines are often used inadvertently, resulting in reduced effectiveness. The human body develops a tolerance to the active substances of antibiotics, making the bacteria more resistant. Propolis tincture serves as an alternative to reduce unnecessary use of medications. In addition, while many antibiotics have adverse effects on some individuals, propolis appears to have exclusively positive effects.

Strengthens the immune system.

The significant effect of propolis tincture on human health is due to its high activity. It activates the immune system and provides protection against infections. With more than 300 different substances, the product is rich in flavonoids, which play a key role in immune function. In addition, it enhances interferon production and stimulates both cellular and chemical immunity. As a result, the immune system becomes stronger and cell regeneration is accelerated. Tincture also inhibits cell degeneration and even has the potential to prevent serious diseases such as cancer.

It is a natural substance that acts both as an antiallergic and as an antioxidant.

One of the most characteristic actions of propolis tincture is its antihistamine properties. This well-known antioxidant product is used to relieve allergic symptoms such as rhinitis and itching. When combined with pollen, it speeds up the recovery process and helps to develop gradual immunity. In addition, it effectively protects vitamin C from oxidation.

The skin is protected.

Our skin often develops acne, pimples and various inflammations, resulting in a dull appearance. The anti-inflammatory and antiviral action of propolis tincture offers significant benefits to skin health. It helps to suppress the enzymes that cause inflammation and stimulates macrophage cells to deal with the problem. As a result, the pores are blocked, the skin is calmed and its lost glow is restored. The antiseptic and healing properties of propolis tincture are particularly effective for the treatment of burns, pyoderma and herpes. In addition, it supports cell growth and has a positive effect in cases of alopecia.

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